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Copper Kingsmen Corporation

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The Corporation's purpose is to address the barriers in Mental Specialties and other disabilities, implement solutions and remedies that improve communication, understanding and law ; eliminate the negative reoccurring circumstances and stereotypes associated with disabilities. The Corporation will support Mental Health programs that instill in children and families the value of self, teamwork, commitment and healthy alternatives.


There is a critical need for support, relief and advocacy in the Mental health Community.

We as a community are faced with overwhelming obstacles as this pandemic has been an exclamation point for those diagnosed with pre- existing symptoms and triggers that have not subsided but have worsened for residents and others receiving services throughout the United States.

For those who are isolated and have minimum contacts with Social Workers and programs that assist daily in sustaining wellness and recovery this global pandemic has been an additional source of manic and persistent deterioration of wellness.

A majority of consumers with mental specialties have no foundation for support and rely on basic needs and necessities or services that have been discontinued due to the country's mandated shutdown of governmental and privatized facilities.

Where does this leave those afflicted with Mental Specialties?

The Yearly minimum amount for SSi disability is under the Nations poverty threshold. With the rise of food prices and cost of living they are forced to survive and cope with little to no support services and assistance.

These consumers are dependent upon transportation and other resources provided by the state for food and amenities.

Without these services instances of hospitalization, incarcerations and poverty have risen as we have been abandoned by institutions and laws that have been governed to protect and serve our community.


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